Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Button Rock Hunting With Michael

               Michael is a fun loving boy.  He wakes up ready to explore and find adventure in his day.

Today we took Michael  to Button Bay in Vergennes to search for Button Rocks. Button Rocks are hard to find amidst all the other rocks but have perfect circles in them from the limestone in the rock having been dissolved possibly hundreds or thousands of years ago.  So finding one of the gray almost clay-like rock is like discovering a long and forgotten time that you can hold in your hands.

 We also wanted to throw rocks in the water, feel the breeze off Lake Champlain and let the sun shine smiles on our faces.

Out of the car Michael shot, running towards the shore.  A smile on his face, anticipation bouncing from every muscle as he skipped and danced down to the shore.

             There was such a smile on his face.  The bounce in his step is so much more livelier then before.  He is getting so much better at running and moving his body.  My little man is growing.

             He was so excited to see the lake that he raced on ahead of us to be the first one there.

The water greeted the  beach with a slurping sound and Michael asked why it made such noise.  I told him it was saying hello to us.  He chose rocks and threw them back into the water with loud plopping sounds.
He tried so hard to do the step and throw toss, he is getting much better at it.

Then we searched the rocks, noticing the differences in textures and colors, ever looking for the Button Rocks which can be so hard to find.  But we did uncover some.

Here are the ones we found:

     Finding Button Rocks reminds me of happy times as a child combing the shorelines for them to take home and make into necklaces or  to put into treasure boxes.  It is indeed an experience that takes me back and calms my soul.    I hope Michael will recall carefree days in the sun, running, combing shores for treasure, smiling in the happiness we create.

 I always had such fun with my two young best friends, Jenny and Toni, as we searched with delight for those precious Button Rocks.  Perhaps some will read this and want the adventure, want to hold onto a bit of the past in their hand.  Maybe some will sift their fingers through the rocks on a quiet beach and find the magic of moments that can be treasured when shared with a friend.


  1. I love this! Thank you for sharing and bringing me back to such precious innocuous moments of our childhood.. I'm very happy for Micheal that you were able to share such a fun memory that we shared. He is one precious and lucky boy! Thank you Jodi. Love Toni
