Friday, October 5, 2012

Sharing Autumn with Michael

The beginning of Autumn has been filled with hikes, school, and field trips. Michael has enjoyed watching summer change to fall. A branch by his bedroom window slowly been turning it's leaves more and more red. "Fall is coming!" He would shout every morning as the leaves kept turning.

Michael thought the trees were so beautiful that he decided to draw them.  On the back of the 
picture he wrote this (above):   "In Fall leaves change.  In Fall I am going to jump in leaves."
His formation of letters is getting so much better.

School days find us reading, counting, and learning about the world.  He has been interested in learning about 
the body so we made a skeleton out of spaghetti and macaroni and labelled the bones.

He has been learning to count and just beginning to understand adding.  We also have been working on 
differences of size and his counting bears have been fun for him.

Michael was given a magnet set for his birthday and he has been testing objects

all over the house to see if they are magnetic or not.  

His curiosity is so refreshing and his thirst to know and understand things is so beautiful to witness.

Soon enough it will be time to go and jump in some leaves!

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