Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Walk in the Woods

After a few weeks of not hiking Jim and Michael wanted to get out into the woods. It had rained for several days but Tuesday was supposed to be nice so they were going to try. They were going to hike to the Duck Brook Cascade, a series of small waterfalls near one of the shelters on the Long Trail in Bolton.
They set off down the trail. It was very muddy and very slippery. Both of the hikers fell a few times.
After a couple of hours they made it to the shelter.
The way down from the shelter was steep and slick so Jim didn't think Michael could make it to the bottom and they turned back. It was a big disappointment but Michael was happy to be headed back. He was pretty tired.
On the way back the sun came out a bit and there were great views of the foliage. Next week the leaves should be even better.
Michael was glad to see the end of the trail. He was very wet, very muddy and very tired.

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